Saturday, January 24, 2009
24th January 2009, Saturday – Yesterday, I bought a copy of Car magazine (UK Edition) Issue 557 January 2009 from Best Eastern Plaza Athirah. The magazine costs me about BND16.20. Actually, I intended to buy the magazine a few weeks ago. But, due to its price I need to hold on until yesterday. The reason why I bought Car Magazine UK is the magazine features “ The 64 Cars That Matter In ‘09”. One of the car is the latest Volkswagen Golf Mark 6 i.e The Big Drive: VW Golf (8 pages) and its GTI version i.e First Look: Golf GTI (6 pages).I do follow their development since their announcement a few months ago.
In addition, you can get to know more about Tata nano. And the magazine is not only covers the cars themselves but also the car industry. Lastly, it is not only about car, it is also about photography – car photography.
Too bad, according to the lists,there will be no new version of Suzuki Swift/Suzuki Swift Sport. I do not expect there will be a new version in 2009, due to the economic downturn. Hopefully, there will be a better Suzuki Swift/Suzuki Swift Sport in 2010. I may not buy the new Suzuki Swift (however, I will consider to upgrade to Suzuki Swift Sport), but a better Suzuki Swift will be good to the consumer and to the environment and to boost their sale.
I am looking forward the future Suzuki Swift, especially the Suzuki Swift Sport, will have a better automatic or semi automatic speed (5/6 speed and dual clutch gear, perhaps), direct injection engine, better look, better handling, better fuel economy, better stability (stability control – ESP, electronic stabilisation programme, perhaps) and a lot of optional items or accessories such as Recaro leather seats. And also with bigger diameter stock wheels with low profile tyres.
For your information, beside the UK Edition, the magazine is also published in their own version in 15 countries, such as Middle East Edition and Thailand Edition.
I really hope there will be Singapore or Malaysia Edition, which I expect to cost less than BND10.00. However, I prefer the Singapore Edition because it will be sold in Brunei cheaper than the Malaysia Edition. I speculate this because I always find out that Brunei’s reader has to pay equivalent or just a little expensive when buying the Singapore Edition than the Malaysia Edition.
For example, there is the Singapore Edition of a magazine costs equal or extra BND1 to the Singapore cover price. But the Malaysia Edition will costs BND1 for every RM1 and sometimes with extra BND. I just can not understand why this differences occur. I believe the Malaysia Edition of the magazine should cost cheaper than Singapore Edition when sold in Brunei.
My comments on the Car Magazine (based on the January 2009 issue): I really like the photographic style and quality of the magazine. The photos look clean and fresh. I like the photographic style of the Top Gear magazine, but I like the Car magazine’s photos more. The layout is well designed, and not look crowded.
And also, I like the UK magazines better than the USA magazines. May be it due to their contents, the layout, and the types of paper used which I find it better. The only USA magazine that I bought in 2008 was a professional magazine, News Photographer by National Press Photographer Association.
(Photos: Abdul Rashid bin Haji Tahir. Taken on 23rd January 2009)
Labels: Car Magazine, Car Photography, My Reading