Tuesday, December 30, 2008
28th December 2008, Sunday – One of my favourite car brands is Volkswagen. But I only like a few models of the brand, that is, Toureg (my “dream” car, R50 may be) and Golf GTI (my wishlist). In relation to this, this afternon I bought a copy of Volkswagen Driver magazine Issue 102 November 2008 from a bookshop in the basement level of Yayasan Shopping Complex. The magazine costs me BND15.60. Quite a lot of money for a car magazine. Usually, I bought the Singapore or Malaysia edition of car magazines rather than the United Kingdom edition. Malaysia or Singapore edition are about 50% cheaper than the original UK version. And the cheapest is Wheel Asia (Singapore) which costs only BND4.00. At present, there is no Singapore or Malaysia edition of Volkswagen Driver magazine.
In the November 2008 issue, Volkswagen Driver features the first drive review of Volkswagen Mark 6 that was launched recently in Iceland. And, they also feature the preview of the Volkswagen Golf GTI Mark 6 that was shown in the Paris Motor Show (4-19 October 2008)…I wish I can go to the motor show to have my own live preview of the GTI…I have not read any news if the GTI was shown in the Singapore Motor Show 2008 that was held weeks ago.
p/s: I am not a frequent buyer of car magazines. Usually, I only buy them if my favourite cars are featured in the magazines.
(Photo: Abdul Rashid Haji Tahir. Taken on 28th December 2008)