Thursday, September 10, 2009
10th September 2009, Thursday (20th Ramadan 1430H)– Sekolah Rendah Tentera Laut Diraja Brunei, Muara (SRTLDB) held a Khatam Al-Quran ceremony at their assembly hall this morning. The recital of the surahs was lead by Ustaz No.1. This ceremony is for the teachers of the school. It was held as a Ramadan and end of 3rd term activity.
The 3rd term school holiday, which includes special Ramadan and Aidilfitri holiday, will begin on 13th September (Sunday) until 27th September 2009 (Sunday).
This ceremony was followed by the bertahlil and doa arwah. It was closed with the recital of doa selamat.
This morning event was continued with the presentation of welfare contribution to teachers and support staffs whom the member of their immediate family has passed away recently.
The winners of the ASEAN corner competition also received their prizes from the school’s headmistress, Cikgu Hajah Rusunah bin Haji Paka. The consolation prizes are also given away.
In this morning Khatam Al-Quran ceremony, we can see a number variety of “bunga telur”. Most of them are with the eggs. A few of them are replaced with the chocolates and/or sweets. Some of the “bunga” are replaced with small paper boxes, plastic packets or bags, or nicely designed handkerchief. Mine (and a number of my colleague) is the one which is wrapped with the handkerchief. Whatever they are, the objective is to give gift to those who come to the ceremony. The keyword here is “gift”.